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Here at INSURESPORT we look to assist sporting professionals in putting the correct protection in place should the unfortunate happen. You never know what’s around the corner therefore it’s crucial that you safeguard your financial future.

Ending your sporting career prematurely due to injury or illness is something that all professionals fear. It only takes one bad tackle, an accident, or a serious health condition and suddenly you are unable to continue that dream you have worked so hard towards.

Mentally having to accept this is hard enough. However, a lack of financial protection in place to support you through this difficult transition will undoubtedly only make the situation worse.

Having the finances available to support you, your family, your recovery, and future income/career for life beyond football may be the most important and significant decision you ever make!


If you’re a semi-professional sports player or someone who regularly takes part in sporting activity, how would it affect your income or lifestyle should you sustain an injury resulting in a broken bone, tendon rupture, ligament tear or dislocation? Would you still be paid if you couldn’t perform/work as a direct result of such an injury?

Having the correct cover in place protecting you against these unforeseen common injuries would offer financial peace of mind, providing a lump sum to help aid recovery and supplement any lost income to keep life as normal as possible throughout this process.